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SK Gaming secure first win of 2021 LEC Summer Split by defeating Excel Esports

SK Gaming Secures First Win in 2021 LEC Summer Split

SK Gaming emerged victorious over Excel Esports in a 30-minute game during week three of the 2021 LEC Summer Split, marking their first win of the League of Legends split.

Treatz’s Role Swap and Lilipp’s Impressive Performance

SK had a challenging start to the split after moving Treatz to the jungle and their head coach to the support position. For this weekend’s games, they promoted academy support Philipp Samuel “Lilipp” Englert. While Lilipp didn’t have an impressive debut match, he shined in today’s match against Excel, utilizing Sett to soak teamfight damage and initiate plays.

The Game Highlights

The game started slowly as both teams played passively. However, the pace picked up once Treatz made his way to the bottom lane for multiple kills against Excel’s overextended players. SK secured the first two dragons and grouped up to take down towers. Excel initially put up a fight, but they were quickly overpowered by SK once Blue acquired his core items on Sylas. Blue’s impactful ultimates in teamfights proved to be a significant threat. After securing the Baron, SK pushed towards the Nexus and claimed their first victory.

Upcoming Matches for SK Gaming

SK, with a current record of 1-6, will face off against Rogue and MAD Lions next week. Both teams are currently dominating the LEC and are vying for the second place in the standings. It’s unlikely that SK will be able to secure a win against these top contenders.

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SK Gaming, Excel Esports, League of Legends, LEC Summer Split, esports news, Treatz, Lilipp, Sett, teamfight, victory, Rogue, MAD Lions