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Shiphtur executes long-range Zoe Q with Ryze’s ultimate in League of Legends

Zoe’s Q travels farther than expected, as Shiphtur showcases in Twitch broadcast

In a recent Twitch broadcast, former League of Legends pro Danny “Shiphtur” Le displayed the impressive distance that Zoe’s Paddle Star (Q) can travel. Teaming up with ally Ryze, Shiphtur launched a projectile that completely decimated the enemy AD carry.

During the game, Shiphtur’s team swiftly eliminated two opponents while storming the enemy base. However, two enemies attempted to flee. In a clever move, Ryze used his Realm Warp (R) ability to close the gap and secure a potential victory.

Prior to the teleportation taking effect, Shiphtur unleashed Zoe’s Q in the hopes of hitting a target. Surprisingly, the projectile traveled the full distance of Ryze’s ultimate and dealt a devastating blow to the enemy Jhin, instantly eliminating the AD carry.

Shiphtur exclaimed, “Woah! Wait, that was sick. Holy shit, I didn’t know that would actually work. But that was actually sick.”

Although the play was impressive, it is important to note that Zoe’s Paddle Star damage is capped at 150 percent regardless of distance.

For fans interested in watching Shiphtur’s solo queue games, they can tune into his Twitch channel, where he is currently live preparing for his Twitch Rivals match.

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Zoe’s Q, Shiphtur, Twitch broadcast, League of Legends, ally Ryze, Paddle Star, projectile, enemy AD carry, Realm Warp, teleportation, Jhin, solo queue, Twitch Rivals, esports news.