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Sett, Ashe, and Galio included in League’s Patch 10.18 Preview for balancing adjustments

League of Legends’ Heavy Hitters to Receive Nerfs in Patch 10.18

Lead gameplay designer Mark “Scruffy” Yetter has revealed the upcoming nerf list for League of Legends in Patch 10.18. Sett, Ashe, and Galio are among the champions getting adjustments. This move is likely aimed at balancing the game ahead of Worlds 2020 and addressing any potential issues in the professional meta.


As expected, Sett is receiving nerfs due to his high pick and ban rates in pro play. The champion’s tankiness, power, and crowd control make him a formidable force in the right hands. The previous nerfs in Patch 10.16 to his Haymaker (W) and Facebreaker (E) were not enough to put Sett on equal footing with his lane opponents. Riot may further reduce the damage on these abilities or adjust some of his defensive base stats.


Ashe also saw nerfs in Patch 10.16, specifically to the bonus attack speed on her Ranger’s Focus (Q) ability. However, the AD carry continues to perform exceptionally well, boasting a win rate of over 51% in Platinum ranks and above. It remains to be seen if further nerfs will be made to her Q, as her early game damage and slows can be oppressive for other marksmen.


Galio is causing headaches for enemy mid laners. Similar to Sett, this Colossus champion has high tankiness, crowd control, and damage. Additionally, his ability to join teamfights from afar while shielding his allies gives him a significant advantage. Riot may consider adjusting the damage of his Q to reduce his threat in lane.

In addition to Sett, Ashe, and Galio, Shen and Kog’Maw are also on the nerf list. On the other hand, champions like Ahri, Kayle, Jarvan, Rumble, Miss Fortune, Twitch, and Xin Zhao are set to receive buffs. It’s important to note that the patch preview is subject to change before it goes live on the servers.

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League of Legends, nerfs, Patch 10.18, Sett, Ashe, Galio, Worlds 2020, balance, pro play, champions