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Selfmade and Fnatic are causing a stir at Worlds 2020

Fnatic’s Jungler, Selfmade, Shines in Inaugural Performance at Worlds

Fnatic’s jungler, Oskar “Selfmade” Boderek, delivered an impressive performance on the League of Legends World Championship stage today. Despite his humble attitude, Selfmade played a crucial role in Fnatic’s victory over TSM, showcasing his skills on his signature champion Evelynn.

Selfmade expressed his eagerness to move on to the next game, but it’s important to savor his debut on the Worlds stage. He had big shoes to fill as previous Fnatic junglers have been exceptional at the World Championship. However, Selfmade’s performance proved that he was no exception.

According to, Selfmade had a scoreline of 4/1/4 and a 75% kill participation rate, accounting for nearly 23% of Fnatic’s total damage against TSM. He even solo-killed TSM’s bottom laner, Doublelift, solidifying Fnatic’s victory.

Fnatic’s success can be attributed to Selfmade’s presence across the map. Despite his relatively short professional career of two years, Selfmade displayed skills and game sense beyond his experience. He expressed his happiness to finally compete at Worlds and hopes that Fnatic can make it out of the group stage.

Fnatic has a favorable track record at Worlds, advancing past the group stage in their last four appearances. Selfmade stands as the only player on Fnatic’s starting lineup who has never qualified for Worlds before. However, with the support of his talented teammates, Selfmade is learning how to approach the international stage.

In a highly competitive Group C, Selfmade remains confident in his abilities. He has practiced against some of the top junglers in the world, gaining valuable experience and self-assurance. Selfmade’s performance at Worlds has the potential to establish him as a genuine force on the international stage.

Upcoming Challenge against Gen.G

Fnatic’s next challenge will be facing Gen.G, the third seed from the LCK and considered one of the strongest teams in Group C. Selfmade is particularly excited about the jungle matchup against Clid, whom he regards as the best jungler in their group. This matchup will be crucial, as Clid showcased his dominance in Gen.G’s previous match against LGD.

Both Gen.G and Fnatic currently sit at 1-0, tied for first place in Group C. The outcome of Tuesday’s game will greatly impact the group’s future. However, Fnatic and Selfmade are determined not to back down and will give their all in the upcoming match.

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Fnatic, Selfmade, League of Legends, World Championship, jungler, performance, victory, Group C, Gen.G, Clid, dominant