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Sejuani’s Overwhelming Strength Forces an Emergency Nerf in the Game

Sejuani Dominates League of Legends Season 6 Following Rework

Sejuani is wreaking havoc in League of Legends Season 6 after her recent rework. The barbarian warlord has become so powerful that Riot Games will be releasing a hotfix to nerf her. According to a post on the official League forums, the hotfix will be implemented later today.

The recent update completely overhauled Sejuani’s abilities, including her passive. The goal of the rework was to make Sejuani more challenging, fun, and give her a unique identity beyond her ultimate ability. While the update achieved these goals, it may have made Sejuani a little too strong.

One of the most problematic aspects of Sejuani’s new kit is her Frozen passive. When she stuns an enemy target with Permafrost, she deals massive damage. Many players initially thought that her overall damage would be reduced due to lower numbers on her Winter’s Wrath ability. However, her passive damage significantly surpasses her previous levels. Additionally, Sejuani’s new crowd-control abilities make her incredibly versatile. This combination of damage and crowd control creates an issue when tanks can easily eliminate squishy targets in just three hits.

If you’re planning to play solo queue, it might be best to wait a day after the hotfix is implemented. Unless, of course, Sejuani is on your team.

Sejuani, League of Legends, hotfix, rework, abilities, passive, damage, crowd-control, tanks, squishy targets, solo queue, Riot Games.