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Sejuani’s Midseason Update Transforms Her into the Ultimate Warleader

Riot Games Midseason Update brings Changes to League of Legends Tanks

Each year, Riot Games makes significant changes to League of Legends through the Midseason Update. This time, the focus is on the vanguard tanks – Sejuani, Maokai, and Zac. The update plans to improve tank items, the Rift Herald, and AD items. These changes aim to enhance the overall health of the game, although the impact on the meta remains uncertain.

Sejuani’s Rework Transforms Her into a Warleader

Sejuani has never truly embodied the fantasy of a raging barbarian warleader or a powerful vanguard cavalry. However, her rework aims to change that. Riot released the details of her rework today.

Before the rework, Sejuani was primarily defined by her ultimate ability, Glacial Prison. Her teamfight contribution, presence, and effectiveness as a jungler all revolved around this ability. If it was on cooldown or missed, she became less useful. With her update, Riot aimed to make her more than just an ultimate-focused champion and establish her as a warleader.

Permafrost Takes Center Stage

Sejuani’s teamfight impact now revolves around her Permafrost ability rather than her ultimate. Permafrost works similarly to Braum’s passive, except Sejuani doesn’t have to initiate it. When Sejuani and her nearby allies’ melee attacks apply Frost to enemies, it eventually reaches a maximum limit, allowing Sejuani to freeze the enemy in place. Attacking a frozen target deals massive damage.

This ability has significant implications for ganking, but its use in teamfights is even more powerful. Sejuani can initiate with her frontline allies, stack Frost on a squishy target, and then freeze and eliminate them with a click of a button. Enemy champions need to be cautious and avoid Sejuani when their Frost stacks approach the maximum limit.

Winter’s Wrath and Other Abilities

Winter’s Wrath replaces Sejuani’s old Flail of the Northern Winds and now consists of two parts. Sejuani can swing her flail to apply Frost in all directions and then follow up with a mid-ranged slam that deals AoE damage in a line. She can freely move on her boar while using both parts of this skill. Winter’s Wrath complements Permafrost well, as it allows Sejuani to apply Frost to multiple targets, giving her the freedom to freeze any enemy champion she chooses in a teamfight.

Sejuani’s passive, Frost Armor, grants her resistances and immunity to slows when she charges into battle. Her ultimate ability, Glacial Prison, is less powerful now. Instead of stunning enemies, it creates a large slowing zone that applies Frost. The ultimate’s purpose has shifted from damage to utility.

A Refreshing Meta with Sejuani’s Update

Sejuani’s update brings freshness to the League of Legends jungle. Her increased damage while clearing camps addresses one of her weaknesses, making her more viable as a jungler. Her ganks become even more terrifying with her reworked abilities. Expect to encounter numerous Sejuani players in solo queue after this update, as it promises an exciting experience for the players.

Related keywords: Riot Games, Midseason Update, League of Legends, Vanguard Tanks, Sejuani, Maokai, Zac, Tank Items, Rift Herald, AD Items, Warleader, Glacial Prison, Permafrost, Winter’s Wrath, Frost Armor, Jungling, Teamfight, Meta