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Sejuani gets significant improvements for better gameplay experience

Sejuani Buffs in Patch 8.12: Stronger in the Jungle

Good news for Sejuani players! With the upcoming buffs in Patch 8.12, the Fury of the North will feel more confident in the jungle.

Firstly, her Icebreaker passive, which deals bonus magic damage to stunned targets, will now deal 10 to 20 percent maximum health damage to monsters. Previously, it dealt a flat 400 damage. While this may slightly nerf her jungle clear, the buffs to her W and E abilities more than compensate for it.

Sejuani’s W, Winter’s Wrath, will now have an AP ratio for both its initial swing and snap. Currently, the swing deals physical damage based on a percentage of the target’s maximum health and a flat amount that increases with level, while the snap deals a higher flat amount of physical damage and a percentage of the target’s maximum health. With the new buffs, the flail will have a 0.2 AP ratio and the lash will have a 0.6 AP ratio. As a result, Sejuani players can deal more damage with AP.

Additionally, Sejuani’s E, Permafrost, is receiving a significant damage buff. Its non-champion cooldown has been removed, allowing it to be spammed on jungle monsters. The ability also gets a base damage increase of 10-30 depending on level and its AP ratio is doubled from 30 to 60 percent.

Overall, Sejuani will be capable of dealing more damage and clearing her jungle camps faster with these buffs. This may potentially bring her back to meta dominance.

Sejuani, buffs, Patch 8.12, jungle, Icebreaker passive, W ability, E ability, damage buff, jungle clear