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Scrying Orb: Quick Stats for NA LCS – League Leaders

Welcome to the League Leaders Edition of Scrying Orb: NA LCS Quick Stats

Here are 10 quick stats from weeks 1 to 8 of the 2015 NA LCS Spring Split. These stats are drawn from the Oracle’s Elixir 2015 Spring Split Player Statistics page.

Top Kill Leader in NA

  • TSM WildTurtle leads the league in kills with 99.

Most Deaths in NA

  • CST Cris has died more than anyone in NA, with 65 deaths.

Highest Damage to Champions

  • TSM Bjergsen has done the most total damage to champions (383,500), followed by GV Cop (352,200).

Top Creep Score in NA

  • GV Cop has the highest total CS this split (5,863), barely ahead of CLG DoubleLift’s 5,719.

Highest Gold per Minute

  • CLG DoubleLift has the highest average earned GPM at 309.6.

ADCs with Highest Gold Share

  • The ADC incarnation of WFX Altec gets the highest share of his team’s gold at 30%, followed by Cop’s 29%.

Non-ADC with Highest Gold Share

  • The highest gold share for a non-ADC goes to TIP XiaoWeiXiao, who ranks 9th overall.

Top Gold Lead at 10 Minutes

  • The player with the highest average gold lead over their lane opponent at 10 minutes is TL Quas, with an average 318.8 gold lead, followed by TSM Bjergsen at 293.8.

Most Wards Placed per Minute

  • The Support incarnation of WFX Altec placed the most wards per minute on average (1.36), but among players with at least 10 games in their position, TL Xpecial places the most wards per minute at 1.29.

Most Wards Cleared per Minute

  • WFX Altec, as Support, cleared 0.50 wards per minute on average, but among players with at least 10 games at their position, CLG Xmithie is the ward-clearing champion, at 0.39.

* Note: “earned” GPM excludes starting gold (475) and inherent gold-per-minute (1.9 per second, starting at 90 seconds). This statistic is also different from the one reported on because it is an average of all games, not an addition of all games, to reduce the influence of game length.