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Schalke 04 justifies player benching due to toxic behavior in League solo queue

Schalke 04 Esports defends suspension of Ismaïl “Isma” Boualem

Schalke 04 Esports has defended its decision to suspend its League of Legends jungler Ismaïl “Isma” Boualem. The organization made the decision just hours before the team’s first match in the EU Masters 2022.

Isma reveals that he was informed of the benching by Schalke’s head of esports just hours before the match. The head cited Isma’s toxic behavior in solo queue as the main reason for the benching.

After the suspension was announced, many players and community members criticized Schalke’s decision. Some called it overly harsh while others argued that both Isma and the player he was toxic to should be banned.

In response, Schalke has addressed the issue directly, stating that while insults in the gaming world may carry different weight, such behavior is not acceptable. The organization has a zero-tolerance policy for hate and toxic behavior.

Schalke underscores the importance of online words and their impact on people, stating that what we say online matters and has a real-life impact. They urge everyone to keep this in mind.

Unfortunately, Isma’s suspension has had a negative impact on Schalke’s performance. The team had to make role swaps and ended up losing consecutive matches in the EU Masters tournament.

Schalke 04 Esports, Ismaïl Boualem, League of Legends, toxic behavior, benching, suspension, EU Masters, gaming, hate, zero-tolerance, performance