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Samsung impresses and shocks RNG at Worlds 2016

Royal Never Give Up Defeats Samsung Galaxy in Dominating Victory

Royal Never Give Up (RNG) continued their winning streak with another dominant performance against Samsung Galaxy (SSG) in the League of Legends World Championship. Led by star player Jian “Uzi” Zi-Hao, RNG secured their third consecutive victory and pushed SSG to a 1-2 record.

RNG – Uzi’s Carry Performance

With Uzi’s exceptional carry performances in their previous matches, RNG aimed to extend their winning streak. The team showcased their strengths and resilience against SSG.

Bans: Viktor, Elise, Rek’Sai – Lee Sin, Syndra, Ezreal

Top: Jayce – Kennen

Jungle: Nidalee – Skarner

Mid: Cassiopeia – Ryze

ADC: Caitlyn – Jhin

Support: Nami – Karma

Prior to the match, SSG made a substitution as Jo “CoreJJ” Yong-in was replaced by Kwon “Wraith” Ji-min as the support.

SSG secured the first kill on Uzi, resulting from a Skarner gank by Kang “Ambition” Chan-yong. Liu “Mlxg” Shi-yu attempted to trade back a counter-gank kill but ended up dying pointlessly, giving two kills to Ambition’s Skarner. However, Uzi managed to maintain a CS advantage throughout the laning phase.

Between ten and twenty minutes, RNG and SSG traded kills back and forth, resulting in an even gold distribution at twenty minutes.

At the 24-minute mark, SSG dominated a teamfight in their favor, largely due to CuVee’s Kennen ultimate. They took Baron and extended their lead by gaining deep vision and finding picks on the map.

With their nearly 10k gold lead, SSG won a teamfight in RNG’s top-side jungle, broke their base, and secured the victory in their first push. Ruler’s turret damage on Jhin and superior itemization played a significant role in their success.

Despite Uzi and Mata’s inability to make an impact in teamfights, RNG’s bot lane duo, and Ambition’s exceptional performance on Skarner, SSG secured a dominating victory. Both teams now hold a 2-1 record heading into the second week of the Group Stage.

What has been your favorite moment from Worlds so far? Let us know by commenting below or tweeting us at @GAMURScom.