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Royal Never Give Up emerges victorious in LPL 2022 Spring Split, thwarting Top Esports’ incredible journey and securing MSI qualification.

Royal Never Give Up Secures Spot at MSI as LPL Champions

Royal Never Give Up (RNG) emerged victorious in a thrilling 3-2 series against Top Esports (TES) in the 2022 LPL Spring Split grand finals. With this win, RNG will represent the League of Legends Pro League (LPL) at the upcoming Mid-Season Invitational (MSI) in Busan, South Korea.

Despite a slow start, TES managed to climb up the standings during the regular split and secured a spot in the playoffs. They defeated strong opponents, including the first-placed V5, to reach the top of the LPL rankings.

RNG, on the other hand, displayed consistent performances throughout the season and placed second in the regular season. They defeated TES 3-1 in the upper semifinals but faced a determined TES in the grand finals who sought revenge after their victory over V5.

The Battle for MSI: A Series of Intense Matches

The first match saw both teams feeling each other out and trying to scale to the mid-game. RNG secured the first blood and managed to equalize the gold difference with a major teamfight victory. Despite TES’ attempts to turn the tide with dragons and the Mountain Dragon Soul, RNG emerged victorious with impressive plays from GALA on Aphelios.

In the second match, both teams skirmished fiercely over objectives, but TES gained a significant advantage with a teamfight win near the fourth dragon. However, RNG turned the tide with a jungle teamfight, secured important objectives like Baron and Dragon Soul, and pushed into TES’ base to take the win.

TES fought hard in the third match, securing objectives and setting up favorable teamfights with powerful ultimates from Ryze and Hecarim. They didn’t let RNG come back into the match and secured the Mountain Soul, showcasing knight’s flawless performance on Ryze to keep the series alive.

In game four, TES dominated the early game with exceptional objective control, stealing a Baron and ending the match swiftly with the help of Wayward and knight.

With the series tied 2-2, both teams entered the final match with the opportunity to secure the LPL Spring Split title and a spot at MSI. RNG punished every mistake made by TES in the chaotic early game, maintained solid objective control, and secured a lead in the mid-game. In the late game, RNG sealed their victory and claimed the LPL championship.

RNG’s Road to MSI

With their victory, RNG not only became the LPL champions but also secured their spot at MSI 2022 in Busan, South Korea. They will compete remotely from China in May for the prestigious title.

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Royal Never Give Up, League of Legends, LPL, Mid-Season Invitational, MSI, Top Esports, grand finals, spring split, esports news