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Rogue dominates Schalke 04 as third week of 2021 LEC Summer Split commences.

Schalke 04 vs Rogue: A Surprising Match

In an unexpected turn of events, Schalke 04 and Rogue found themselves neck and neck going into the third week of the 2021 LEC Summer Split.

Rogue dominated the match, widening the gap between themselves and the lower half of the standings. They secured a stunning victory against Schalke, with a score of 19-4 in just 29 minutes. This win improved their Spring Split record to 4-2.

Rogue’s success follows their usual gameplay pattern. They established a significant gold lead in the early game, amassing a lead of 6,000 gold within just 20 minutes. Schalke found themselves in a deep hole, unable to contest Rogue’s moves as the mid-game rolled around.

The standout player of the match was Rogue’s AD Carry, Hans Sama. He ended the game with a flawless scoreline of 4/0/10, achieving a remarkable KDA of 14.0. Hans Sama’s early dominance in lane skirmishes allowed him to accumulate enough gold for a substantial lead throughout the entire game.

Looking ahead, Rogue will face the middle-ranked Astralis on their next LEC stage appearance. However, their chance to make a statement and climb the standings will come on July 3 when they face off against MAD Lions, the Spring Split champions.

Meanwhile, Schalke 04’s schedule doesn’t get any easier. In their upcoming match, they will square off against the dominant first-place team, Misfits, to conclude week three of the Summer Split.

Related Schalke 04, Rogue, LEC Summer Split, esports, gaming, victory, AD Carry, Hans Sama, Spring Split, MAD Lions, Misfits.