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RNG Eliminated Fnatic from Worlds and Set to Compete at MSI

Fnatic’s Grudge Match: Facing Royal Never Give Up at MSI Semifinals

Fnatic’s historical clashes with the LPL powerhouse, Royal Never Give Up (RNG), have been disheartening for European and North American fans. However, this weekend at the MSI semifinals, Fnatic has the opportunity to turn the tables.

MSI does not have a quarterfinal stage, making this knockout round a pivotal moment. For fans of Fnatic, this match against RNG holds tremendous significance as they aim to defy history and prove themselves.

Rekkles’s Woes Against RNG

One Fnatic player who has been under scrutiny this MSI is Martin “Rekkles” Larsson. As a highly acclaimed ADC, Rekkles was expected to shine in the tournament. However, his performances against RNG have fallen short, raising questions about his ability to handle the pressure.

Despite Fnatic’s strategy of funneling resources into their bot lane, Rekkles has struggled to replicate his past successes against RNG’s star player, Jian “Uzi” Zi-Hao. While Fnatic mid laner Rasmus “Caps” Winther has stepped up, the current meta favors ADC carries, placing more pressure on Rekkles to regain his form.

Finding Redemption Through Adaptation

If Rekkles fails to reclaim his glory, Fnatic will rely heavily on Caps to carry them through. They will have to adapt their strategies mid-series to support Caps and secure a hyper-carry champion for him. Yasuo, LeBlanc, Azir, Ryze, Swain, and Vlad are all viable options for Caps, known for his mastery of these champions.

The burden of adaptation also falls on Fnatic jungler Mads “Broxah” Brock-Pedersen. With his exceptional performance at MSI so far, Broxah’s ganking and map movements have greatly aided Caps. However, if Fnatic’s hopes rest solely on Caps, Broxah must adjust his focus and synergy to propel Caps to the late game power he requires.

This Friday, Fnatic faces RNG in a match that could be a turning point for their journey at MSI. To finally score a victory against RNG, Fnatic must overcome significant challenges and show their resilience and determination.

Fnatic, Royal Never Give Up, MSI, Rekkles, Caps, adaptation, redemption, hyper-carry, ganks, strategy