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RNG Deals BLG Their First Loss of 2022 LPL Spring Split

Royal Never Give Up Hands Bilibili Gaming Their First Loss in the 2022 LPL Spring Split

Royal Never Give Up (RNG) emerged victorious in a thrilling matchup against Bilibili Gaming (BLG), giving BLG their first loss of the 2022 LPL Spring Split. BLG’s surprise Rek’Sai jungle pick by Weiwei was not enough to stop RNG’s dominance.

An Epic Showdown on Week Three of the LPL Spring Split

Week three of the 2022 LPL Spring Split featured an eagerly anticipated showdown between the undefeated BLG and the reigning 2021 MSI champions, RNG.

The first game started with BLG taking an early lead after their bottom lane secured a kill on RNG support, Ming. However, RNG quickly answered back with a kill of their own in the top lane.

The game then turned into a stalemate as both teams fought for mid priority and vision control. The match reached the mid to late game, where a decisive teamfight would determine control.

The game remained even until BLG’s support, Crisp, made a crucial engage onto RNG’s AD carry, Gala. Taking advantage of Gala’s absence, BLG secured the Baron and gained control of the mid lane.

However, BLG’s advantage was short-lived. In a subsequent attempt to contest RNG’s dragon, BLG was aced, giving RNG the opportunity to secure the Baron. This ultimately led to RNG’s victory in the first game.

In game two, BLG tried to recover from their previous loss by surprising RNG with a pocket pick of Rek’Sai. Despite falling behind in CS, Weiwei utilized Rek’Sai’s mobility to apply pressure across the map.

BLG’s early game dominance translated into winning teamfights and securing objectives, leading to their victory in game two.

Unfortunately for BLG, allowing RNG to draft power picks like Jinx and Corki in game three proved to be their downfall. With no early-game-centric champions to counter RNG’s power spikes, BLG couldn’t stop RNG’s control in the mid to late game.

A Great Showing from RNG, Now 5-1 in the Season

RNG’s victory improves their record to 5-1 in the 2022 LPL Spring Split. They are currently behind LNG Esports and EDG, the only undefeated teams in the split. RNG will have a chance to hand LNG Esports their first loss in week five.

Now with a 3-1 record, BLG will aim to bounce back from their first loss as they face ThunderTalk Gaming and LNG in the upcoming weeks.

The 2022 LPL Spring Split will resume after the Lunar New Year holiday. Week four will kick off with a match between Invictus Gaming and Rare Atom on February 10.

LPL Spring Split, esports, Bilibili Gaming, Royal Never Give Up, Rek’Sai pick, undefeated, MSI champions, RNG, BLG, Baron, power picks, Jinx, Corki, Xin Zhao, Lunar New Year, Invictus Gaming, Rare Atom, ThunderTalk Gaming, LNG Esports.