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Riot’s upcoming patch to drastically diminish Soraka’s power in top lane in League of Legends

Top Lane Soraka Gets Nerfed in Latest LoL Update

Soraka has quickly risen to dominance in the top lane during the 2020 League of Legends season. Her healing abilities make her a force to be reckoned with, both in solo queue and competitive play. In response to her overwhelming popularity, Riot Games has decided to nerf her on the PBE.

The Power of Soraka in the Current Meta

In the current metagame, melee champions thrive in the top lane, making Soraka the perfect pick. While she may not have strong kill potential in lane, her long range and low mana costs allow her to continuously use her Starcall (Q) ability.

Riot’s Approach to Balancing Soraka

Riot initially planned to nerf Soraka’s Q ability, decreasing its damage against minions by 60 percent. However, the latest PBE update took a different approach.

Nerfs to Soraka’s Stats and Abilities

The recent changes to Soraka’s stats and abilities aim to make her more vulnerable in lane and reduce her healing potential in the late game. Her base HP has been increased slightly, but her HP per level has been lowered. Her mana has been increased, but her mana per level has been reduced. Her base AD has also been decreased.

Screengrab via Surrender@20

The healing effect of Soraka’s Q ability has been adjusted, increasing the amount healed but reducing its duration. Additionally, her movement speed has been lowered. Changes have also been made to her Astral Infusion ability, altering its mana cost and the health cost when affected by Rejuvenation.

Screengrab via Surrender@20

Potential Impact on Soraka’s Role in the Top Lane

While these changes may not seem significant, they could greatly impact Soraka’s effectiveness in the top lane. She may no longer be the reliable healing carry and could become less relevant. However, these nerfs are necessary to prevent her from becoming too powerful. Soraka currently has a 52.79 percent win rate in the top lane, making these adjustments crucial.

These changes aim to balance Soraka’s presence in the solo lane while maintaining her viability as a support pick.