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Riot’s Upcoming Design of Battlecast Illaoi is Almost Complete

Battlecast Illaoi: Riot Announces New Skin in Development

Riot announced yesterday that Battlecast Illaoi, the tentacle queen’s first skin since Void Bringer, is officially in development. The skin is currently in the “concepting” stage, where the design team is working on the perfect combination of looks and lore to accompany it.

Story and Universe Integration

During this phase, there are three key problems that need to be solved. Firstly, the skin’s story needs to make sense and fit into the Battlecast multiverse. Illaoi will be Viktor’s first project gone wrong, as she broke free and started a resistance before her transformation into a machine was completed.

A Mechanical Skull

The next challenge is incorporating a large, flaming, mechanical skull into the skin. It needs to fit with the overall aesthetic without overshadowing Illaoi, while also aligning with the skin’s narrative. The current plan is for the skull to be from one of the mechanized guards Illaoi escaped from, which she now wields with her mechanical arm.

Tentacle Mastery

The final piece of the puzzle is Illaoi’s tentacles, which are essential to her kit. Riot wants to create visually stunning tentacles that fit with the Battlecast theme. Fire and lava controlled by a machine are the current front-runners for the tentacle design.

Initially, the design team considered a giant lava hand, but they ultimately decided against it due to reanimation challenges.

Release Date and Progress

According to the announcement, the concepting stage is about 90% complete. After this, the team will move on to building the skin in the client, at which point Riot will have a rough estimate for its release date.

Stay tuned for more updates on Battlecast Illaoi!

[youtube video URL]

esports, gaming, Battlecast Illaoi, League of Legends, Riot Games, new skin development