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Riot’s Reveals Nexus Blitz Plans as Abandoned LoL Mode Resurfaces in Clients

Nexus Blitz Glitch Disappoints Fans, Possible Return Still on the Table

Fans of Nexus Blitz were disappointed yet again when they discovered that the mode’s recent appearance in the League of Legends client menus was just a glitch.

The glitch was revealed by Riot Games developers, who accidentally enabled Nexus Blitz while trying to enable ARAM Clash. Players who noticed the bug attempted to join the popular mode, but since no servers were running it, they were immediately redirected to the home screen.

However, this glitch may have inadvertently hinted at Riot’s plans for the future. In their response, Riot’s global community manager Riru mentioned that Nexus Blitz is not ready at the moment. This implies that Riot’s developers are working on improving the mode and may consider bringing it back.

In 2021, there were promises that Nexus Blitz would return in 2022, but unfortunately, it did not make an appearance. The focus of the Riot offices then shifted to the development of League Arena, which was well-received by fans who are looking for diversity in gameplay.

Some fans expressed their dissatisfaction with the rotation of modes, as a new mode often means an older one gets removed. They suggested that Riot should implement an “arcade tab” with all custom modes, allowing players to choose their preferred mode.

While waiting for Nexus Blitz’s potential return, fans can enjoy the ARAM Clash mode, which is currently enabled, and the first run of League Arena ends on Aug. 28.

Nexus Blitz, League of Legends, glitch, Riot Games, ARAM Clash, League Arena, custom modes, rotation of modes