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Riot’s Relationship with Content Creators Requires Evolution

Riot Games Faces Strained Relationship with Content Creators

In the past year, Riot Games has made efforts to improve its rapport with the League of Legends community. It began by unbanning popular streamer Tyler “Tyler1” Steinkamp and continued with collaborations with content creators. The relationship reached its peak at the All Star Event, where Tyler1, along with other content creators, competed alongside professional players.

However, signs of strain are now emerging. A controversy on the League subreddit alleges that big-time streamers are getting a free pass for toxic behavior. This has sparked criticism of not only Tyler1 but also other content creators. These controversies arose after the community uproar over the botched start to the ranked season.

Riot’s Relationship with Content Creators Must Evolve

It has become clear that Riot’s approach to content creators needs to evolve. For a long time, Riot ignored them and benefited from their streams without intervening. This model is no longer sustainable, especially as the game ages. In order to keep the game and its community vibrant, certain changes need to take place.

Open Arms

Tyler1 plays a central role in this story. Previously banned for toxic behavior, Riot let him back under a zero-tolerance policy. While it seemed to work for a while, Tyler1’s behavior has recently been criticized. Casters like Zirene welcomed Tyler1 back, signaling Riot’s complete acceptance of him. They even invited him on stage at the LCS finals, with the crowd cheering louder for him than the teams.

One-Way Street

Tyler1’s acceptance by Riot is due to the fact that content creators, like him, have more in common with casters and analysts than Riot itself. Content creators draw attention to both the League esports scene and the game. However, Riot has limited control over their actions. Banning Tyler1 did not deter him from playing, and this lack of control means Riot needs to re-evaluate their approach.

Carrot before the Stick

As Tyler1’s popularity exceeds the game’s, Riot needs to adapt to the changing landscape. Content creation will become crucial for the survival of League as it ages. However, Riot must evolve its approach to content creators. While toxic behavior should not be ignored, Riot cannot handle public figures in the same way as regular players. Instead, Riot should focus on rewarding good behavior by inviting players to prestigious events and accelerating content production plans.

Riot must take a more active role in supporting and guiding content creators, as they are the public faces of League of Legends. By doing so, Riot can ensure the longevity of the game and its community.

Related Riot Games, League of Legends, esports, content creators, Tyler1, toxic behavior, community, partnership, content production.