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Riot’s Plan to Transform Vi into a Top Laner

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Vi is Being Updated for Top Lane

Vi, everyone’s beloved champion known for punching, is set to receive some changes in Patch 8.8, as revealed in the latest PBE update. The purpose behind this update is to transform Vi into a top laner.

According to a Riot employee who shared on Twitter, the extensive list of changes currently being tested on the beta server focuses on improving Vi’s performance in lane, rather than her usual role in the jungle. By adjusting the numbers on her abilities, the balance team aims to make her more versatile, rather than being restricted to the same role she was designed for in 2012.

Challenges with the Update

While it’s always exciting to experiment with a champion in alternative roles, there are two main challenges with this project.

Firstly, although the change list specifically mentions that the team will be cautious to not affect her jungle performance, the current adjustments to her abilities would undoubtedly have an impact. The reduced cooldowns on her Q and passive will certainly assist with ganks and fighting larger monsters, but it’s not that simple.

The issue lies in the 15 percent reduction to her W’s attack speed at level one, along with a five-point decrease in her base armor. A five-point armor reduction at the start of the game is significant, and although her W’s attack speed will ultimately be higher, it will make her struggle in the early stages of the game.

Her initial camp clears will be noticeably slower, and the camps will deal more damage due to the decreased armor. This may outweigh the benefits of the increased ganking power for Vi.

The Purpose of the Update

The second challenge is understanding the objective of this update. By significantly reducing the early cooldowns on her Q and shield, it’s true that Vi might become a stronger top laner, but is that necessary? What gap in the champion pool does Vi fill as a top laner? Why does she need to be played there in the first place?

There doesn’t seem to be a clear answer, especially considering the abundance of tanky AD bruiser-type champions already present in the top lane. In fact, this is the most common type of top laner, making it a crowded category. Players probably don’t need another one, even if it’s just for a few games of fun experimentation.

Of course, it’s important to remember that this change list is on the PBE and subject to change or possible reversion before the patch is released. However, despite the update not severely affecting her jungle abilities, it still has an impact. Vi is already performing slightly below average as a jungler, so we hope to see further adjustments in the future.

Vi, top laner, champion, update, abilities, cooldowns, ganks, monsters, armor, attack speed, jungle, balance team, PBE, beta server, League of Legends, AD bruiser, experimentation.