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Riot’s Patch 13.13 Nerfs Aim at Aphelios, Neeko, Vi, and More Key Picks in LoL

Riot Games Reveals Plans for Upcoming League of Legends Patch

The competitive League of Legends seasons are back in full swing worldwide, and Riot Games is preparing to release Patch 13.13 to let the meta settle for the summer. Lead designer Matt “Phroxzon” Leung-Harrison recently shared some upcoming changes, emphasizing that this patch will focus on stabilization and last for about three weeks. This duration will allow Riot Games to assess the impact of certain champions on different strategies moving forward.

Some of the nerfs in this patch will affect popular picks like Aphelios, Neeko, Vi, Annie, Wukong, Ivern, Kindred, Rek’Sai, and AP Varus. Aphelios, known for his powerful mid-to-late game, has remained dominant as the most-played ADC in all major regions. Neeko, with her new mid-scope update, has become a priority pick in North America, Europe, Korea, and China due to her versatility and game-changing abilities.

Looking ahead, Riot Games plans to address role power through item builds in Patch 13.14 and beyond. Specifically, they aim to adjust power curves for AD Mythic items to prevent AD champions from reaching power spikes too early and disrupting the balance between roles.

Patch 13.13 is set to release on Wednesday, June 28.

Riot Games, League of Legends, Patch 13.13, meta, competitive play, stabilization, champions, strategies, nerfs, Aphelios, Neeko, Vi, Annie, Wukong, item builds, power curves