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Riot’s New Changes Target League of Legends’ Healing Meta with Lifesteal Nerfs

Riot Games aims to tackle the healing meta in Season 12 of League of Legends by implementing nerfs to lifesteal on multiple items and runes. One significant change is the complete removal of Ravenous Hunter.

In recent seasons, there has been a considerable increase in healing and sustain within the game. Riot is taking steps to address this issue before it becomes even more prevalent.

A number of lifesteal items such as Vampiric Scepter, Bloodthirster, and Blade of the Ruined King have all been nerfed on the League of Legends PBE. These changes are expected to go live in Patch 12.6 on March 30th. Additionally, several runes including Fleet Footwork and Legend: Bloodline have also been targeted for nerfs.

The highest-profile nerf in Patch 12.6 is the reduction of lifesteal on the Mythic item Immortal Shieldbow to eight percent, along with a decrease in bonus health per legendary to 50.

Riot has also decided to remove the Ravenous Hunter rune, which was considered a “must-pick” in Season 11. In its place, a new rune called “Treasure Hunter” will be added. This rune grants bonus gold for unique takedowns.

The developers at Riot have expressed that sustain, like any other stat, should come at a cost. Players should have to make sacrifices in terms of damage or durability. The changes being made in Patch 12.6 are part of a larger evaluation of the cost of sustain within the game.

Notable lifesteal-centric items like Goredrinker and Eclipse have been excluded from the initial round of nerfs, but they may be subject to changes before March 30th. The decision to exclude Goredrinker was due to changes it underwent in Season 11. While it received increases in Omnivamp, some attack damage ratios were also returned in Season 12.

It’s important to note that these changes are not final. Riot will continue to test them on the League PBE throughout the 12.6 cycle, which runs for four weeks until March 30th.

Here is a breakdown of all the lifesteal nerfs coming in Patch 12.6:

– Vampiric Scepter: Lifesteal reduced from 10 percent to eight percent.
– Immortal Shieldbow: Lifesteal reduced from 10 percent to eight percent. Bonus health per legendary increased from 50 to 70.
– Blade of the Ruined King: Lifesteal reduced from 10 percent to eight percent.
– Bloodthirster: Lifesteal reduced from 20 percent to 15 percent. Attack damage increased from 55 to 60.
– Legend: Bloodline: Lifesteal per stack reduced from 0.6 percent to 0.4 percent. Effect changed to gaining 100 max health at maximum Legend stacks.
– Fleet Footwork: Energized attack damage reduced from 10-100 (+0.4 Bonus AD, +0.3 AP) to 10-100 (+0.3 Bonus AD, +0.2 AP).
– Ravenous Hunter: Removed entirely.

It will be interesting to see how these changes impact the meta and gameplay in League of Legends. Stay tuned for further updates.

Riot Games, League of Legends, healing, sustain, lifesteal, nerfs, items, runes, Patch 12.6, Ravenous Hunter, Treasure Hunter, sustain meta, Goredrinker, Eclipse, changes, PBE testing.