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Riot’s Meddler Suggests High Likelihood of Ten Ban System

League of Legends to Introduce 10-Ban System

The possibility of a 10-ban system in League of Legends has resurfaced with the upcoming release of the new client. A user on the League of Legends forums mentioned the rumored topic, prompting a response from League’s Lead Game Designer, Andrei “Meddler” van Roon.

Meddler stated in his response post that it is highly likely that a switch to a 10-ban system will be introduced in the near future. However, he clarified that it would not be implemented in the current or old client due to technical reasons. He emphasized that this change is not guaranteed, but it is currently under consideration by him and the team.

Meddler also mentioned the possibility of introducing the 10-ban system in a phased manner, with regular games receiving the change at a different time than pro games. This is due to the different workflows involved in regular/matchmaking games and pro/tournament games.

In response to a user’s concerns about the increased draft time, Meddler stated that they are exploring various ideas to keep the draft time as close to the current duration as possible.

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What are your thoughts on the potential implementation of a 10-ban system in League of Legends? Let us know by commenting below or tweeting us @GAMURScom.

Author: Ryan Kish. Contact him on Twitter or via email at [email protected].

League of Legends, 10-ban system, game designer, new client, draft process, implementation, pro games, regular games, competitive gaming