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Riot’s Expanded Testing on Jungle Gameplay for Enhanced Satisfaction and Empowerment

Riot Games Makes Additional Changes to Improve Jungle Satisfaction in League of Legends

League of Legends players who specialize in the jungle role are in for some exciting updates. In Patch 10.3, Riot Games introduced significant buffs to overall experience gain and neutral monster experience level scaling for junglers. Now, the game developer is taking additional steps to further enhance the satisfaction of jungle mains in the early game.

Reducing gank power is one of the changes Riot is implementing. Lead gameplay designer Mark “Scruffy” Yetter explained that the aim is to allow junglers to retain more power for themselves instead of transferring it to laners through ganks.

To address this, Riot is introducing a new early game homeguard that activates upon respawning after death. Additionally, the XP gained for solo kills will see a slight increase, benefiting champions who like to invade the enemy jungle. However, there will be a small decrease in shared experience for kills made by multiple champions.

To empower junglers further, Riot is placing a greater emphasis on farming. With successful ganks providing less experience, junglers will be incentivized to focus more on farming their own jungle. Fortunately, jungle farm will also yield more XP.

These changes are aimed at maintaining a balanced state for junglers in Patch 10.4. The jungle role has been a topic of debate among players, as it is arguably the most impactful position in League of Legends.

Riot plans to conduct further tests to evaluate the impact of these adjustments. Depending on the outcomes, they may need to dial back certain changes or determine that junglers are performing optimally.

League of Legends, Riot Games, jungle, buffs, experience gain, neutral monster, gank power, early game satisfaction, XP, farming, Patch 10.4