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Riot’s 2020 Objective: Resolving New Account Seeding, Game-Ruining Conduct, and Promotion System Issues

League of Legends Matchmaking System Set for Major Changes in 2020

League of Legends (LoL) players can expect significant changes to the game’s matchmaking system this year, according to Cody “Codebear” Germain, the product lead for competitive gameplay. In his recent post on the Dev Corner, Germain revealed that while features like autofill and duo balance are close to launch, the development team is also working on more complex ranked systems for the remaining months of 2020.

Addressing Frustrations and Improving Player Experience

New accounts and smurfs are major sources of frustration for players, as they often disrupt the balance of teams. Beginners can end up in higher-elo matches and face overwhelming opposition, while smurfs create one-sided lobbies and waste the time and LP of players trying to climb the ranks. Riot is currently exploring ways to handle these issues more effectively.

The second half of 2020 will also see Riot addressing community complaints related to toxic behavior in LoL. Players have expressed concerns about intentional feeding, griefing, and raging, with little consequence for those who engage in such behaviors. Riot is committed to implementing better detection and punishment systems for these actions, as well as providing more frequent feedback to players who report unsportsmanlike conduct.

Improvements Coming to Promotion System and Flex Queue

Devs are taking a closer look at the promotion system, as it has caused days of frustration and disappointment for many players. Codebear acknowledged this issue and stated that they are currently examining the system to make necessary changes that will improve the overall competitive ecosystem.

Additionally, Riot plans to relax the restrictions for forming groups in the flex queue, allowing players to enjoy a more relaxed experience while still maintaining competitiveness.

Updates Awaited and Future Communication

Although no specific timeline has been provided for these matchmaking changes, Riot will keep fans informed as soon as the adjustments are more finalized.

League of Legends, matchmaking system, changes, ranked systems, autofill, duo balance, smurfs, toxic behavior, promotions, flex queue