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Riot unveils upcoming critical strike alterations for League’s 2021 preseason

League of Legends Preseason 2021: Critical Strike Changes Overview

League of Legends’ lead gameplay designer Mark “Scruffy” Yetter shared the upcoming changes to critical strike in the 2021 preseason. The changes are part of a larger overhaul of the item system.

According to Scruffy, the goal of the critical strike changes is to bring more power into the early game and provide more options for champions building crit. The changes include reducing crit strike damage from 200 to 175 percent on League’s PBE, shifting power away from super late-game crit builds. Instead, upfront stats like attack damage and attack speed will be emphasized.

To accompany the damage reduction, crit chance per item will be reduced from 25 to 20 percent. Additional crit chance will be added to useful items like Mercurial Scimitar, Bloodthirster, and Mortal Reminder. These changes are expected to dramatically expand build choices for players.

Riot will also be making adjustments to champions like Yasuo, Yone, and Tryndamere who rely heavily on crit interactions. The goal is to ensure these champions maintain a similar power level to the current live version and have dynamic choices within the updated systems. The changes will prevent the need for crit chance to exceed 100 percent.

Furthermore, non-crit champions will still have access to items with similar niches, while on-hit type champions will have their options expanded through creative changes.

It’s important to note that the crit changes discussed are still in the testing phase and may be subject to further adjustments before the 2021 preseason is officially launched. Players can expect these changes to be available for testing on League of Legends’ PBE servers in the near future.

League of Legends, Preseason 2021, Critical Strike Changes, Mark “Scruffy” Yetter, Item System Overhaul, Crit Strike Damage, Crit Chance, Champions, PBE, Testing.