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Riot unveils the intricate abilities of Aphelios

Riot Games reveals abilities of Aphelios, the newest champion in League of Legends

Aphelios, the latest addition to the extensive roster of champions in League of Legends, has had his abilities unveiled by Riot Games.

To many, Aphelios’ kit may appear complex, and it truly is. According to Riot, he will have one of the highest skill ceilings in the game. This is due to the inclusion of five cycling weapons that he can utilize throughout the game.

Aphelios’ Unique Kit

At the core of Aphelios’ gameplay are his five weapons, each with its own basic attack and effect. With only the Q, W, and R keys, he holds two weapons at all times. His main-hand weapon is used for attacking enemies, while his off-hand weapon can be switched to by pressing the W key.

Aphelios does not have the ability to choose which weapons to equip. Each weapon has 50 ammo, and when the current weapon runs out, it moves to the end of the cycle to recharge. The order of weapons in the cycle changes based on which weapon is used first.

Unique Abilities

Aphelios technically has two abilities: his Q and his ultimate. However, each of the five weapons has a different effect when used as a main-hand weapon. Depending on the weapon, Aphelios can sustain, slow, poke, wave clear, or deploy a turret that shoots enemies with the off-hand weapon.

All of Aphelios’ weapons have individual cooldowns, allowing players to use the Q ability on one weapon, switch to another, and use Q again. To help players keep track of the cooldowns and weapons, Aphelios has his own custom HUD.

Aphelios’ ultimate ability, Moonlight Vigil, launches a moon bomb that explodes upon hitting an enemy champion, damaging nearby enemy champions. Afterward, Aphelios can use enhanced auto attacks from his main-hand weapon to attack enemies caught in the blast.

Mastery of Aphelios

Aphelios’ kit presents players with numerous combinations and effects to learn. For more information on the different combinations and how Aphelios’ abilities work, read Riot’s official primer. Are you ready to devote yourself to mastering the Weapon of the Faithful?

Riot Games, Aphelios, League of Legends, champion, abilities, weapons, Q, W, R, skills, cycling, kit, gameplay, effects, cooldowns, ultimate, Moonlight Vigil, mastery