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Riot unveils plans to enhance 23 champions in League Patch 11.18 preview

Riot Games Releases Patch 11.18 for League of Legends

Riot Games has announced the release of one of the most important patches of the year for League of Legends. This patch, known as Patch 11.18, aims to balance out the roster of champions in preparation for the competitive World Championship. A total of 32 champions will receive changes in this patch, with 23 of them set to receive buffs.

The First Part of Worlds Patches

Jeeven Sidhu, the Lead Game Designer for League of Legends, took to Twitter to explain that Patch 11.18 is the first part of the Worlds patches, with Patch 11.19 finishing off the changes. Sidhu clarified that the changes in this patch do not follow a one-to-one ratio of buffs and nerfs.

Buffed Champions in the Jungle

A number of champions in Patch 11.18 will receive buffs specifically targeting their viability in the jungle. Lillia, Qiyana, Talon, and Zed will all have their jungle capabilities enhanced. Talon’s Rake (W) and Zed’s Contempt for the Weak (P) will be buffed against jungle monsters in the upcoming patch. Additionally, Taliyah, who is already a popular jungle pick, will also receive buffs.

It remains to be seen whether these jungle changes will be implemented in time for the World Championship. It’s worth noting that Riot has previously buffed lane-focused champions for the Mid-Season Invitational.

Buffed Champions in Other Roles

In addition to the jungle changes, Patch 11.18 will also include buffs for five champions in the top lane and AD carry positions, and four champions in the mid lane and support roles.

Preparing for Patch 11.19 and Worlds

While Patch 11.18 introduces several changes, it serves as a preparation for Patch 11.19, which will be the official patch for the World Championship. Patch 11.18 is scheduled to go live on League servers on September 9, according to the official patch schedule.

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Riot Games, League of Legends, Patch 11.18, buffs, World Championship, champions in the jungle, upcoming patch, buffs in other roles, Patch 11.19, Worlds, League servers.