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Riot unveils League’s new Wukong rework now available on PBE

Riot Games Reveals Exciting Wukong Rework for League of Legends

Riot Games has released details of the highly-anticipated rework for Wukong, the Monkey King in League of Legends. August Browning, Riot Games senior champion designer, unveiled the exciting changes that are set to make Wukong fans rejoice.

Increased Tankiness for Wukong

Wukong’s passive ability, Stone Skin, has been revamped to grant him additional tankiness. However, to balance this out, his base stats have been slightly reduced. This adjustment shouldn’t have a major impact as Stone Skin will now provide a 50 percent bonus increase for five seconds whenever Wukong or his clone successfully hits an enemy champion or monster.

Key Changes to Abilities

Wukong’s Crushing Blow (Q) has been modified to scale better in the later stages of the game. As he levels up, his Q will deal more damage and have increased range. The cast time of his Q will now also scale with attack speed. Additionally, the cooldown of his Q will be reduced by half a second each time Wukong or his clone deals damage with basic attacks or spells.

Nimbus Strike (E) remains largely unchanged, while the new-and-improved Warrior Trickster (W) opens up exciting potential for outplays. The clone created by Wukong’s W will now mimic his attacks and ultimate, dealing reduced damage. This ability also grants Wukong a dash, allowing him to go over small walls. However, the clone can be easily killed by a single tower shot.

Powerful Ultimate Ability

Wukong’s ultimate ability, Cyclone, can now be cast twice within a nine-second timeframe, with each use knocking up enemies.

It’s important to note that these changes are currently in testing and may undergo further adjustments before being implemented in the live servers.

Riot Games, Wukong, rework, League of Legends, champion, ability, Stone Skin, tankiness, Crushing Blow, Nimbus Strike, Warrior Trickster, ultimate, Cyclone, testing