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Riot Unleashes Extensive Swain Updates on League PBE, Removes Crowd Control Pull, Amplifies Demonic Ascension, and More

Riot Games Reveals Massive Changes to Swain in League of Legends

Riot Games has some exciting changes in store for Swain, the champion in League of Legends. Game designer Tim “Truexy” Jiang announced the latest updates for Swain, aiming to enhance his drain-tanking abilities while in the Demonic Ascension form. To balance the changes, some power will be shifted away from Swain’s passive ability.

According to Jiang’s tweet, the updates will introduce more birds to Swain, which will aid him in both solo lanes and support roles. You can try out the changes on the PBE today.

Power Shifts and Ultimate Ability Revamp

The first major change is the removal of Swain’s ability to pull back enemies affected by crowd control. However, he will now be able to pull all enemies affected by his Nevermove root ability. The cooldown of Nevermove will also be reduced in his ultimate ability form, Demonic Ascension.

Although players may miss Swain’s ability to follow up on crowd control, the revamp to his ultimate ability makes up for it. Swain’s Demonic Ascension now allows players to stay in his ultimate form for as long as they need in teamfights or skirmishes.

When Swain casts the first part of his ultimate ability, he gains 50 demon power. The ultimate will remain active as long as he has demon power, which drains at a rate of 10 per second. However, whenever Swain drains an enemy champion, he regains 20 demon power per second. This means that if surrounded by opponents, Swain can stay in his ultimate form until he or the enemies are defeated. After three seconds, players can activate the second part of Swain’s ultimate, Demonflare.

In addition to that, Demonflare is also undergoing significant changes. It will no longer require players to charge it up through drained health. Instead, once Swain casts Demonic Ascension, they can cast Demonflare once without ending the ultimate form. This allows Swain to continue draining life during battles. Furthermore, Demonflare will now slow enemies by 60 percent, giving Swain more time to absorb their life.

Release Date

There is currently no information on when the revamped Swain will be available on the live servers. However, you can test out the changes on League’s test servers starting today.

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Swain, League of Legends, Riot Games, updates, changes, Master Tactician, drain-tanking, Demonic Ascension, Nevermove, ultimate ability, Demonflare, power shifts, PBE, test servers.