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Riot unintentionally includes Karthus W tooltip in League PBE, granting the ability to immobilize foes and disrupt dashes

New League of Legends Karthus Buffs Leaked

Riot Games accidentally revealed a potential buff for Karthus in the latest update for League of Legends. The buff would allow his Wall of Pain ability to ground enemies and interrupt their dashes, making it more powerful. However, Riot designer Phlox clarified that this change was an accident and is not finalized.

The Wall of Pain ability would function similarly to Cassiopeia’s Miasma, preventing enemies from using blink or dash abilities. This means that champions like Lee Sin would not be able to use their dash abilities to escape or engage within the wall. Additionally, any enemy attempting to dash through the wall would be immediately stopped and slowed by an additional 20 percent.

The duration of the Wall of Pain ability would also be increased to five seconds, up from four. The current magic resistance reduction and movement speed reduction effects would remain the same.

Karthus has recently excelled in the jungle after an increase in jungle camp experience. To balance this, Riot reduced his movement speed. However, despite this nerf, the potential buff to his Wall of Pain ability would make him a strong option, especially against mobile junglers.

It is important to note that Riot has stated that this change is still in the testing phase and may not be implemented in the live servers.

League of Legends, Karthus, buffs, Wall of Pain, Riot Games, Miasma, Cassiopeia, jungle, dash abilities, nerf, potential buff