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Riot to Conduct a “Dual-Patch Experiment” to Test Champion Select Reporting and Muting in League of Legends

Riot Games will test the upcoming Champion Select report and mute system in League of Legends Patches 10.13 and 10.14, the company explained today. The feature will first be introduced on North American and Korean servers and will later expand to other regions. This new feature will allow players to mute and report griefers and trolls even before the game begins.

“We’re running this experiment to see if champ select muting leads to changes in behavior related to negative chat in champ select and in-game,” Riot said. With the increasing number of complaints about game-ruining behavior in League solo queue, Riot is taking steps to address toxicity through various tests. Muting a player in Champion Select will carry over into the actual game and future matches. However, muting will not extend to the post-game lobby.

In Patch 10.13, Riot will also introduce reporting for griefers before the match starts. This will enable Riot to analyze the frequency of different types of negative behaviors in champ select. The report data collected will help Riot understand the impact of pre-game behavior on the chances of winning and the rate of in-game reports. However, this initial iteration of Champ Select reporting will not be associated with any penalty system.

Once the two-patch experiment concludes, Riot will evaluate the results and develop plans for the second iteration of the system, including the implementation of a penalty system.

Related keyword: Riot Games, League of Legends, Patch 10.13, Patch 10.14, Champion Select report, mute system, players, griefers, trolls, toxicity, tests, muting, game-ruining behavior, complaints, solo queue, negative chat, post-game lobby.