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Riot temporarily suspends Misfits Academy’s jungler

Misfits Academy’s Jungler, Lamabear, Suspended by Riot for Unacceptable Behavior

Leon “Lamabear” Krüger, the jungler for Misfits Academy, a team in the EU Challenger Series, has received a four-month suspension from Riot. This comes after he displayed a “continuous pattern of unacceptable behavior in ranked games.”

In a press release by Riot, it was stated that Lamabear had been warned about his behavior earlier in the month but failed to correct his issues, leading to this action being taken against him.

Break of Rules and Misfits’ Response

Lamabear’s use of discriminatory and denigrating language in games violated rules 8.2.2 and 8.2.4 of the European rulebook.

Misfits, the organization Lamabear is a part of, released a statement on their Facebook page expressing their disappointment with the suspension. They clarified that Lamabear has not been released from the team but has been suspended. They also affirmed their support for him in addressing his attitude problems so that he can continue his professional career after the suspension.

Temporary Replacement

During Lamabear’s suspension, Kadircan “Kadir” Mumcuoğlu will be stepping in as the replacement jungler for Misfits Academy.

What are your thoughts on this suspension? Share your opinions with us in the comments or on Twitter @GAMURScom.

Image via Riot Games.