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Riot Temporarily Disables Tahm Kench in 2021 LEC Summer Split Week 4; Hullbreaker and Anathema’s Chains Unlocked

Riot Games Benches Tahm Kench in LEC Summer Split

Riot Games has made the decision to bench Tahm Kench from competitive play during week four of the 2021 LEC Summer Split. However, the two new items in League of Legends, Hullbreaker and Anathema’s Chains, will be enabled to observe how the metagame shifts with their introduction.

Major Rework of Tahm Kench

Maximilian Schmidt, the LEC commissioner, stated that the recent changes to Tahm Kench’s kit are considered a “major rework,” which led to the temporary disablement of the champion. Tahm Kench has undergone significant adjustments, including the swapping of his ultimate ability with his W, and his Devour ability becoming his ultimate. Each ability has also been extensively tweaked for better functionality.

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Spicing Up the Meta with New Items

The introduction of the new items, on the other hand, is expected to add excitement to the metagame. Hullbreaker, for instance, has the potential to bring the return of splitpushers, as it provides significant bonus stats to a champion without teammates nearby. The most notable buff from this item is a 20% increase in tower damage, along with a 200% bonus damage to structures for nearby large minions.

Anathema’s Chains, the other new item, allows players to mark an enemy champion as their nemesis. This grants the player increased resistances against that specific opponent, while also reducing tenacity if they are near them.

Strategic Utilization of New Items

Anathema’s Chains might find more frequent usage compared to Hullbreaker, as it offers benefits against multiple champions, especially tanks looking to survive against a fed enemy. Furthermore, the item comes at a cost of only 2,500 gold, making it a quick and affordable purchase to counter an enemy using Hullbreaker to splitpush alone.

Don’t miss the LEC action and witness these new items in play when the league returns on Friday, July 2, with the match between Team Vitality and Astralis.

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Riot Games, Tahm Kench, LEC Summer Split, League of Legends, Hullbreaker, Anathema’s Chains, metagame, splitpushers, new items, maximum Schmidt, temporary disablement, major rework, strategic utilization, Team Vitality, Astralis