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Riot taking steps to address Sion ultimate loophole in League of Legends

Sion Exploit in League of Legends: Rapid Drifting Bug Discovered

Sion has discovered a new skill: drifting. A recent exploit in League of Legends allows Sion to abruptly stop and start while using Unstoppable Onslaught (R). Popular streamer Trick2g encountered this bug during a Twitch broadcast and promptly reported it to Riot. Mark “Scruffy” Yetter, the gameplay design director, responded by calling it a “bannable cheat” and assuring players that a fix is in the works.

In Trick2g’s game, a player used Sion’s ultimate ability to rapidly stop and start before deciding to tower dive the enemy. Normally, this ability restricts drastic movements in multiple directions, requiring players to steer the champion slowly. However, this exploit appears to remove that restriction.

It is currently uncertain whether the exploit involves a third-party program and scripting or if it is simply an abuse of a bug. Regardless, Scruffy encourages players to report it, as abusers will face a ban.

Riot is actively working on a solution to fix this exploit promptly.

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Sion exploit, League of Legends, bug, drifting, Trick2g, Riot, fix