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Riot Rolls Back Patch 9.11 Nerfs to Master Yi and Karthus with Micropatch

Good News for Master Yi and Karthus Players

If you’re a fan of playing as Master Yi or Karthus in League of Legends, you’ll be happy to hear that Riot Games is reverting the recent nerfs made to these champions in a micropatch.

The nerfs, implemented in Patch 9.11, affected both Master Yi and Karthus significantly. Master Yi’s Q ability, Alpha Strike, had its attack damage reduced to 15% per additional strike on the same target. Additionally, Karthus’ ultimate ability’s AP damage ratio was nerfed to 0.65 AP.

In response to player feedback, Riot Games’ Rob “King Cobra” Rosa announced on Twitter that the micropatch would revert these nerfs, returning the champions to their original states before Patch 9.11.

Master Yi’s Q ability will now deal 25% attack damage per extra strike on the same target, providing a significant boost to his damage output. Similarly, Karthus’ ultimate ability’s AP ratio will be increased back to 0.75 AP.

While many players are celebrating these changes, there are still some who believe that the nerfs should have remained in place. Some argue that Master Yi’s attack speed nerf could have been compensated with increased Q damage. If you’re a Master Yi player, try out the changes yourself and see which playstyle you prefer.

Overall, this micropatch brings good news for Master Yi and Karthus players, allowing them to enjoy their favorite champions without the recent nerfs affecting their gameplay.

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Master Yi, Karthus, micropatch, League of Legends, nerfs, revert, champions, abilities, gameplay