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Riot reveals upcoming changes in store for League of Legends’ Patch 9.6.

Riot Games Announces Nerfs and Buffs in Patch 9.6

Riot Games has revealed the upcoming changes in Patch 9.6, including nerfs to Zoe, Sylas, LeBlanc, and Rek’sai, as well as buffs to Caitlyn, Ornn, Xayah, and Urgot. David “Repertoir” Capurro shared the details on Twitter.

Nerfs to Zoe and Sylas

In response to the community’s feedback, Riot Games is making adjustments to certain champions. Zoe’s Sleepy Trouble Bubble will have its cooldown increased from 12 to 14 seconds, along with a reduction in the slow percentage from 50% to 30%. Sylas’ healing multiplier on Kingslayer will also be lowered from 200% to 175%.

Changes to Other Champions

Repertoir also mentioned changes to Nautilus, Gnar, Shen, LeBlanc, and Morgana. He reassured players that Riven is not currently a dominating champion and that complaints about her are mostly prevalent in the western gaming community.

Patch 9.7 and Possible Adjustments

Repertoir concluded by stating that if Riven’s performance improves, she may receive some adjustments in Patch 9.7. However, all changes mentioned are subject to adjustments before the patch is released.

Riot Games, Patch 9.6, nerfs, buffs, Zoe, Sylas, LeBlanc, Rek’sai, Caitlyn, Ornn, Xayah, Urgot, adjustments, Riven.