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Riot Reveals Future Plans for Kalista

Riot Addressing Concerns with Champion Kalista

In a recent episode of AskRiot, Riot Games responded to fan questions, with one particular question standing out. Many players had inquired about the champion Kalista, who has seen limited play due to concerns over her kit and playstyle in a continually evolving meta-game.

Riot acknowledged the difficulties they face in balancing Kalista for the long-term. They mentioned that certain aspects of her abilities may need to be adjusted in order to prevent her from overshadowing other carries when she becomes viable. This is a similar challenge they encountered with Azir, where unique strengths can lead to either dominance or complete irrelevance.

Riot also mentioned their plans to buff both Kalista and Azir in the preseason, although specifics of these buffs have not been revealed yet.

For more information on this topic and to see other questions that were answered, you can visit here.

What are your thoughts on the upcoming buffs for Kalista? Let us know in the comments or tweet us @GAMURScom.

Contact journalist Adam Newell from GAMURScom via:

Email: [email protected]

Twitter: @MonkeyKingHero

Images and information sourced from League of Legends.

***keywords: Kalista, champion buffs, Riot Games, League of Legends, meta-game***