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Riot reveals comprehensive Irelia alterations set for League Patch 11.14

Irelia to Receive Changes in Next Patch: League of Legends

In the upcoming patch for League of Legends, the popular champion Irelia will be receiving some adjustments. Game designer Phlox shared tentative changes that are expected to go live with Patch 11.14. These changes are still subject to alteration, but players will have the opportunity to test them out on the PBE soon.

Base Health and Magic Resist Adjustments

League of Legends players will notice a decrease in Irelia’s base health and magic resist, which will be lowered to 520 and 28 respectively. However, her HP per level is increasing from 95 to 110, making her stronger in the later stages of the game.

Changes to Irelia’s Abilities

Several adjustments are being made to Irelia’s abilities. Her passive, Ionian Fervor, will only have four stacks instead of five. However, the attack speed per stack will be higher at later levels, allowing her to have the same attack speed with four stacks as she would with five. These changes may make her weaker in the early game, particularly in laning.

Bladesurge (Q) will see a significant reduction in its movement speed and damage to minions at early levels. On the other hand, Defiant Dance (W) will have a much higher maximum damage. Flawless Duet (E) will have a fixed travel time of 0.25 seconds, regardless of distance, and cannot be cast or recast during Q or while affected by crowd control. To compensate for these adjustments, Irelia’s Vanguard’s Edge (R) will reduce the cooldown of Q by 0.5/1.5/2.5 seconds.

Impact on Irelia’s Mobility and Counterplay

Irelia is known for her mobility, which allows her to make impressive plays and dominate enemy laners. However, these changes to her Q’s dash speed and E’s casting restrictions make her easier to counter and require less skill from opponents. Enemies can now strategically time their crowd control abilities to disrupt Irelia’s rhythm. To balance these changes, Riot is adding more damage to her kit, especially with Defiant Dance, in the later stages of the game.

Reveal of Irelia Changes and Patch Release Date

Riot will release a blog post in the coming days to provide further details about the Irelia changes. Patch 11.14 is scheduled to go live on Thursday, July 8, according to the official patch schedule.

Update June 24 6:00pm CT: Due to community feedback, Riot has decided to revert the lockout on casting Irelia’s E in the middle of a Q dash. Phlox announced that this change will be implemented in the next PBE deployment. The developers recognized the counterplay gained from this restriction but acknowledged its negative impact on the overall experience for Irelia players.

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[related keywords: League of Legends, Irelia, Patch 11.14, adjustments, changes, base health, magic resist, abilities, mobility, counterplay]