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Riot Puts an End to Double-Tear Ezreal, but Issues Persist with Manamune

Riot Games’ Patch 9.6 Brings Changes to Ezreal’s Build

In Patch 9.6 of League of Legends, Riot Games made a significant change to Ezreal’s build, targeting the double-Tear Ezreal build that has been dominating the game. Instead of directly nerfing Ezreal, Riot introduced a new rule that prevents players from buying two Tear of the Goddess items. This change aims to balance Ezreal’s gameplay, particularly in high-level play and competitive matches.

The reasoning behind this change is sound. Ezreal is the only champion who typically builds two Tears, and this nerf will have a significant impact on his gameplay. Ezreal is a popular pick not only for his early-game safety but also for his powerful late game. Having two Tears provides him with a large mana pool, boosting the damage of his basic attacks and Mystic Shots. In addition, his E ability grants him mobility and the shield from Seraph’s Embrace ensures his safety. This combination makes him an incredibly secure and high-damage carry in the late game.

As a result of this change, Ezreal players will now need to focus on AD builds featuring items like Sheen and Blade of the Ruined King after completing the evolution to Muramana. The Hextech Gunblade build will likely become less effective. While Ezreal will still be strong in the mid game, his late-game impact will be diminished. He may no longer be considered a top-tier marksman, and teams who struggle to accelerate his progress may choose to prioritize other picks.

Despite this nerf, the core issue with Manamune and Muramana remains unresolved. These items are primarily built by Ezreal, causing balance concerns. Other champions like Lucian and Kog’Maw have limited use for them, either due to lack of AP ratios or delaying their power spikes. Even poke-centric champions like Varus have had their effectiveness diminished by changes to cooldowns. To truly improve Ezreal’s position, Riot should consider reworking Manamune and Muramana.

Riot Games, Patch 9.6, Ezreal, marksman, League of Legends, Tear of the Goddess, Muramana, AD builds, Sheen items, Blade of the Ruined King, Hextech Gunblade, Manamune, balance, champions, AP ratios, cooldowns.