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Riot pledges champion-inspired cinematic for League season kickoff in 2024, a year ahead

Riot Games Promises Exciting Cinematic for 2024 League of Legends Ranked Season

Riot Games has announced that they will be releasing a thrilling cinematic to kick off the 2024 League of Legends ranked season. In a recent video update, League producers Jeremy “Brightmoon” Lee and Andrei “Meddler” Van Roon revealed their plans and addressed the disappointment surrounding this year’s season start.

Lee expressed his understanding of fans’ expectations for a hype and epic season start, admitting that they didn’t meet those expectations this year.

Many fans were disappointed with the “Brink of Infinity” cinematic released at the start of the 2023 season. It lacked the epic moments and champion-centric set pieces that characterized past cinematics like “Warriors” in 2020 and “The Call” in 2022. Riot’s official League Twitter account apologized for failing to meet the standard of quality set in previous years.

In their update, Van Roon assured fans that Riot will deliver the type of cinematic they expect in 2024. He acknowledged their failure to communicate effectively and keep fans informed on their intentions for the 2023 season.

“We know the cinematic is a crucial part of the season start that many of you look forward to. We had the budget and the right team, but we couldn’t deliver,” said Van Roon.

Looking ahead, Riot plans to be more transparent and attentive to fan feedback. They aim to make League of Legends the best game it can be with the help of their passionate community.

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With this promise made a year in advance, Riot Games sets the stage for an exciting start to the 2024 season. Fans can look forward to a champion-led cinematic that will captivate and thrill them. Riot Games recognizes their past shortcomings and aims to exceed expectations with a cinematic that showcases epic moments and champions in the spotlight. The League community eagerly awaits the arrival of the 2024 season start, knowing that Riot Games is actively listening and dedicated to making their game better.