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Riot Plans to Release Hotfix for League’s Elder Dragon Buff Overkilling Players

Elder Dragon Buff in League of Legends to be Hotfixed Due to Overpowered Execution

The latest patch of League of Legends brought significant changes to the game, including a new landscape and extensive modifications to dragons. However, the community has had mixed reactions to these updates, with one aspect causing particular concern— the Elder Dragon buff.

Riot’s lead gameplay designer, Mark “Scruffy” Yetter, has addressed this issue and shared some good news. Scruffy announced that a hotfix will be implemented later today to address the problem of the Elder Dragon buff executing players beyond the intended 20-percent threshold.

“Elder Dragon buff is executing somewhat above the threshold (it’s using pre-mitigation instead of post). Hotfix coming later today for this,” Scruffy tweeted.

The current issue with the game is that the Elder Dragon is disregarding mitigations and resistances, resulting in players being executed even if they have over 20 percent of their health remaining. This has caused frustration for many players.

Several players have shared their experiences on platforms like Reddit, where one player uploaded a video showing their champion being taken out by the enemy Garen despite having well over 50 percent of their health remaining.

Aside from this particular incident, a search for “Elder Dragon” on the League of Legends subreddit shows other examples of the buff’s overpowered destruction.

Although the hotfix is a step in the right direction, some players feel that it is not enough to balance the current meta. One fan even tweeted at Scruffy, suggesting that the concept of the Elder Dragon buff should be completely abandoned because it is discouraging to play against.

However, obtaining the Elder Dragon buff requires significant effort. A team must secure four dragons, acquire a Dragon Soul, and ultimately defeat the Elder Dragon. If a team manages to achieve this, the game is likely to be heavily one-sided.

Unfortunately, the exact time for today’s Elder Dragon hotfix has not yet been revealed.

Elder Dragon, League of Legends, hotfix, patch, buff, execution, gameplay