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Riot Plans to Boost Xayah, LeBlanc, Sejuani, Nasus, and Brand in League Patch 10.22

League of Legends Patch 10.22: Buffs and Changes for Champions

The final patch of this season, 10.22, is here to balance and stabilize the League of Legends meta. Riot Games has targeted four champions for adjustments, but five champions will receive buffs as the season comes to a close.

Xayah, LeBlanc, Sejuani, Nasus, and Brand have win rates below 50%, indicating that they are not performing as well as other champions in their roles.

Riot has not provided full details on the buffs for Xayah, LeBlanc, and Sejuani, but they have given some insight into the changes for Nasus and Brand.

Nasus’ ultimate, Fury of the Sands, will now grant him more bonus resistance, increasing his tankiness. Brand’s passive damage will be slightly reduced in the early game, but the scaling rate will be increased, potentially making him more viable in the later stages of the game.

Brand’s E ability, Conflagration, will always spread to nearby enemies, increasing his solo kill potential. These changes have the potential to bring Brand back to the mid lane and make him a stronger support in the bot lane.

Additionally, Ashe and Jinx may receive sleeper adjustments in the upcoming patch. Ashe’s Volley ability will fire fewer shots at level one but will increase in power as it levels up. Jinx’s traps will now deal immediate damage upon activation, making them more threatening to enemies.

League Patch 10.22 is scheduled to go live on October 28th.

League of Legends, patch 10.22, buffs, changes, champions, Xayah, LeBlanc, Sejuani, Nasus, Brand, Ashe, Jinx

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