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Riot plans to address League’s most challenging mechanic

Healing Issues in League of Legends Addressed by Riot Games

The issue of healing in League of Legends has become a major concern for Riot Games. In a recent Reddit thread discussing upcoming changes in patches 12.23b and 13.1, Riot Axes expressed dissatisfaction with the impact of healing, particularly during the ongoing preseason. Grievous wounds, which are intended to counter excessive healing, have proven difficult to balance effectively.

Riot Axes acknowledged that healing is currently problematic in the game. The team is focused on addressing this issue by developing grievous wounds items and adjusting healing values. A major concern arises from champions like Aatrox and Yuumi, who possess innate healing abilities that make them popular choices among players. These champions played a significant role in the recent World Championship, with both being among the top five picks.

Tuning items that inflict grievous wounds presents a challenge for Riot Axes and the team. They plan to increase the grievous wounds percentage on component items and enhance the stats of completed items to make them more valuable purchases. However, the specific approach to addressing healing directly has not yet been revealed. Riot Axes indicated that this issue will be examined in the near future, possibly after the holiday break and the start of the 2023 season.

Overall, Riot Games recognizes the need to take action to improve the state of healing in League of Legends, ensuring a more balanced and enjoyable gameplay experience.

healing, League of Legends, Riot Games, grievous wounds, preseason, patches, champions, balancing