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Riot Plans Significant Nerfs and Introduces New Items to Address League’s Overpowered ADCs

The ADC Role in League of Legends is Getting Nerfed

ADC mains may not want to hear this, but Riot Games believes that the ADC role in League of Legends is too strong. In an announcement yesterday, Riot stated that the meta has revolved solely around the ADC for the past few months, and they plan to address this issue with widespread nerfs, reworks, and new items.

One of the main concerns raised by Riot is the ADC’s “turn-on” point, which is the point in the game where the ADC becomes the most valuable role. Riot believes that ADCs are hitting this point too early, so they plan to nerf the Infinity Edge and introduce new item traits and possibly a new passive.

Additionally, Fleet Footwork, Zeal items, and base health regeneration will be nerfed to increase the risk for ADCs and make them more reliant on support and tank roles for protection.

Riot also acknowledged that too many ADC champions are forced into critical strike carry builds, even when it may not be the most optimal option. To address this, they will be buffing items like the Bloodthirster, Blade of the Ruined King, and Last Whisper to promote alternative item builds. They are also introducing a new non-crit BF Sword item and a new Domination rune called Hail of Blades for marksmen.

These changes are intended not only to balance the ADC role, but also to provide a boost for AD assassins and fighters. For the full list of changes, you can read Riot’s official post here.

ADC, League of Legends, Riot Games, meta, nerfs, reworks, new items, marksman role, Infinity Edge, Fleet Footwork, Zeal items, base health regeneration, item builds, Bloodthirster, Blade of the Ruined King, Last Whisper, non-crit items, BF Sword, Domination rune, Hail of Blades, AD assassins, fighters