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Riot optimizes early surrender vote to minimize excessively one-sided games in League

Surrender Voting System in League of Legends to Receive an Overhaul

The surrender vote system in the popular online game, League of Legends, is set to undergo a major update. In an effort to address the issue of excessively one-sided games, Riot Games, the developer of League of Legends, will be implementing changes to the surrender voting system.

A game designer and moderator on Surrender@20, Spideraxe, recently announced that the surrender vote system will be revamped. One significant change is the reduction of the early surrender time for players who are away from keyboard (AFK). The previous 10-minute requirement will now be shortened to just 3 minutes and 30 seconds. Essentially, this means that you can now initiate a surrender vote if a teammate disconnects from the game after the remake window, or if the game fails to be remade within the first three minutes of gameplay.

This quality-of-life change is bound to have a positive impact on the overall gaming experience, as it eliminates the need to spend an unnecessary 10 minutes in games that are already doomed. This change is particularly beneficial for normal and blind games, where winning or losing does not affect your LP gains, losses, and MMR (Matchmaking Rating).

Alongside this update, Patch 12.21 also introduces tweaks to the remake voting system. The start time for a remake vote has been reduced from three minutes to one minute and thirty seconds, and the window to initiate a remake has been extended from 30 seconds to 90 seconds.

These seemingly minor but highly relevant changes could potentially contribute to a decrease in toxic behavior within the League of Legends community. With no one being forced to play games that are clearly decided and one-sided, the overall gaming environment may become less toxic.

The scheduled date for implementing these changes is November 16, coinciding with the preseason. However, it is important to note that these changes are tentative and subject to further modification.

League of Legends, surrender vote, surrender voting system, AFK, remake window, online gaming, toxic behavior, preseason.