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Riot Makes Adjustments to Amumu, Gangplank, and Lucian in League Patch 11.17

League of Legends Patch 11.17: Changes Coming for Champions

The upcoming League of Legends patch, 11.17, will bring a range of changes to various champions. These updates are primarily focused on solo queue since there are no professional games scheduled on this patch.

During this window of low-stakes changes, the development team is taking the opportunity to rework certain champions at a fundamental level. Amumu, Akshan, Lucian, and Gangplank are among the champions receiving significant changes.

Amumu: Enhanced Gameplay at Higher Elos

Amumu, one of the oldest champions in the game, will undergo changes to make him more viable at higher elos. His base durability stats, including health and armor, will see a decrease in scaling potential. Additionally, his Q ability, Bandage Toss, will now have two charges and reduced cooldowns, making it more versatile.

His W ability, Despair, will gain additional base damage per second but with reduced scaling. Finally, his ultimate ability, Curse of the Sad Mummy, will now have a fixed stun duration of 1.5 seconds across all ranks.

Lucian: Shifting to the Bottom Lane

Lucian, known mainly as a solo lane counterpick, will receive changes to encourage his play in the bottom lane. His base AD will be slightly reduced, but his passive will receive a significant buff. The buff empowers Lucian’s basic attacks with additional magic damage, which increases over time. Lucian’s W ability, Ardent Blaze, will also provide speed boosts to allies who trigger the mark on enemies.

Furthermore, his ultimate ability will no longer have fixed base damage, but its number of shots will increase and scale with Critical Strike Chance.

Gangplank: Ranged Basic Attacks

Gangplank, a popular pick in the current meta, will see adjustments to his gameplay. His Q ability will now be classified as a ranged basic attack rather than applying on-hit effects. This change may impact his item build choices. Additionally, the movement speed bonus provided by his passive will be reduced at lower levels and eventually scale back up to its original amount at level 18.

Lastly, his E ability, Powder Keg, will allow him to store more barrels at higher ranks and benefit from Critical Strike effectiveness. The recharge cooldown for barrels will also decrease.

League Patch 11.17 is set to go live on August 25, according to the official patch schedule.

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