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Riot introduces heartfelt homage to Jax’s complete lore in League of Legends through upcoming visual enhancement

An Inspiring Story: League of Legends Pays Tribute to a Fan in Jax’s Lore

Jax’s long-awaited art and sustainability update (ASU) is finally being patched into League’s PBE server. While details about the changes to his kit are yet to be released, players can catch a glimpse of Jax’s new look. However, what caught everyone’s attention was the heartwarming addition to Jax’s lore that connects the champion to a devoted fan.

In 2012, Riot collaborated with the Make-A-Wish Foundation and a player named Joe, who was battling Ewing’s Sarcoma. Riot pledged to donate all proceeds from the sales of Jax and his skin, Jaximus, to the charity. After Joe’s passing, Riot immortalized him in the game by adding the famous voice line “Here’s to you, kid” to the Jaximus skin.

Now, with the ASU, Jax’s entire lore pays tribute to Joe. Although the specific voice line remains limited to the Jaximus skin, all of Jax’s skins (except the Legendary ones) acknowledge Joe as a heroic figure in the champion’s life.

When players steer Jax over a long distance, he now says, “Bravest hero I ever knew was just a kid. Here’s to you, champ.”

Release Date and Testing

The exact release date for Jax’s ASU on League’s live servers has not been announced. However, his voice lines and new splash arts have been added to the PBE for testing. Players can expect Jax, along with the upcoming Coven skins and the Worlds 2023 Renekton skin, to stay on the PBE until they are ready for an official release.


All skins coming to LoL Patch 13.19

Here are the early LoL Patch 13.19 patch notes

League of Legends, Jax, Art and Sustainability Update, Tribute, Fan, Lore, Make-A-Wish Foundation, Joe, Jaximus skin, Voice line, Release date, Testing.