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Riot introduces essential buffs for Rell in League of Legends after recent midscope update

League of Legends: Rell Receives Buffs After Underwhelming Midscope Update

The recent midscope update for the champion Rell in League of Legends didn’t have the desired impact, resulting in a low win rate of 39%. To address this, Riot Games has stepped in and provided Rell with some much-needed buffs.

The buffs have already been released on the live servers as part of a hotfix. Players quickly noticed that Rell felt squishier compared to her previous version, despite being an engage tank. As a result, her base health regen, magic resist, and health regen growth have been increased. Additionally, her passive will now allow her to steal more armor and magic resist.

Rell’s unmounted form has also received improvements. It will now have reduced self-slow, a stronger shield, and a longer knock-up duration upon remounting. Her E ability has been enhanced with a damage increase and faster movement speed, enabling her and her allies to charge into battle more quickly.

Riot is even considering Rell as a viable jungle pick by adjusting the monster damage ratios of her Q and W abilities. However, her win rate in the jungle role is currently even worse than in her primary role, sitting at 33%. These changes aim to improve her jungle clear speed.

If these buffs aren’t sufficient, Riot may introduce further changes to Rell in Patch 13.12, expected to be released on June 14.

Update: These buffs are part of a hotfix patch that has been released today.

League of Legends, Rell, buffs, midscope update, hotfix, champions, win rate, Riot Games, abilities, jungle role, Patch 13.12