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Riot Implements ADC Adjustments and Various System Changes in League Patch 13.2

League of Legends Patch 13.2: What’s Changing?

In the world of League of Legends, there is a constant chatter about the game being unbalanced. While that’s not entirely true, there’s always room for improvement. Enter Patch 13.2 – a game-changing update that promises significant tweaks now, with more to come in the near future.

Lead League balance team designer, Matt “Phroxzon” Leung-Harrison, has given a sneak peek of what to expect in this upcoming patch. Although he hasn’t revealed specific details yet, he did tease the areas that will undergo adjustments.

This week’s adjustments are quite extensive. Riot has decided to focus on Chemtech Dragon, Fighter items, and ADC mana to enhance the mid-game experience for players.


One of the most notable changes coming with this patch is the improvement to fighter items. These changes were made to offer more diversity and power to champions who weren’t tanky enough to be tanks but not quite assassins either.

Rather than making specific changes to individual champions, the balance team at Riot believes that adjusting items and systems will have a more substantial impact on the game’s overall balance.

A specific item that has caused some imbalance is Demonic Embrace, which has been problematic since Preseason 2023. Melee champions, like jungler Lillia, have gained too much value from this item, resulting in certain champion adjustments.

Bruisers heavily rely on tenacity in most games, and they will feel the effects of the new changes to this stat.

Chemtech Dragon and Soul have undergone improvements since their debut last year, but they have yet to find the perfect balance with other elemental drakes. The highly-debated mechanic of Grievous Wounds is also due for some changes since its potency was decreased in previous patches.

AD carries are in for some much-awaited changes that will be considered buffs in the long run. Blade of the Ruined King, Infinity Edge, and Navori Quickblades will all receive some adjustments to enhance their effectiveness.


Detailed information about these ADC adjustments can be found in a video by former LCS shoutcaster and current member of League‘s balance team, Phreak. He is confident that these changes will be deployed with Patch 13.2, scheduled to go live on January 25.

League of Legends, Patch 13.2, game balance, tweaks, adjustments, mid-game satisfaction, fighter items, ADC mana, balance team, Chemtech Dragon, Demonic Embrace, bruisers, tenacity, elemental drakes, Grievous Wounds, AD carries, Blade of the Ruined King, Infinity Edge, Navori Quickblades