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Riot hints at upcoming League update to enhance Rengar’s leap in-game

Rengar’s Ultimate Ability Could Receive Balance Changes, According to League of Legends Gameplay Designer

After almost a year without any balance updates in the live League of Legends servers, changes are being proposed for Rengar, one of the game’s popular assassin champions. Kevin “Captain Gameplay” Huang, a gameplay designer for League, revealed in a recent Twitter post that they are considering balancing Rengar’s ultimate ability, Thrill of the Hunt.

In the post, Huang shared a screenshot of the proposed updated tooltip for Rengar’s ultimate. If these changes are implemented, Rengar will be able to leap at enemies while camouflaged, thanks to the passive effect of his ultimate. This implies that Rengar’s current passive ability, Unseen Predator, which enables his signature leap attack, will also be modified in some way.

Furthermore, the updated version of Thrill of the Hunt would activate Rengar’s camouflage after one second instead of two seconds. While camouflaged, Rengar would gain True Sight of nearby champions, allowing him to detect invisible enemies and attempt assassinations.

Rengar has been a strong candidate for a significant balance update due to Riot’s goal of making the champion more accessible to lower-ranked players. Previous potential changes to Rengar’s Battle Cry and Bola Strike were announced by Riot earlier this year. However, these changes have not been implemented in a major way on the live League servers.

Although Riot has not provided a specific timeline for the potential changes to Rengar, it is worth noting that the champion has not received a balance update since January. Patch 11.1 saw a reduction in Rengar’s base magic resistance from 32.1 to 32, but no significant updates have been made since then, aside from a few bug fixes throughout the ranked season.

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Rengar, League of Legends, balance changes, assassin champion, ultimate ability, Thrill of the Hunt, passive ability, Unseen Predator, camouflage, True Sight, accessible, lower-ranked players, Riot, Battle Cry, Bola Strike, bug fixes, esports news.